Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Instead of blogging I should probably be cleaning up around here or unpacking more boxes or whatever, but it's livable here in our new house so I'm calling it good, even if there's still a lot of home projects to be started finished. I am guessing there will always be projects to do around here so I'm not going to drive myself crazy thinking they all need to be done right this second. If I'm honest, I'd admit that I used to be a lot more Type A about home organization, but I've been married to a man who is Type B for 5+ years now and part of the reason I'm not currently completely insane is that I've let some of my own Type A Crazy go.

In good news, we've got a decorated Christmas tree in our living room (next to the fireplace, which we have not used yet, but one of these nights we will!) and lights up outside. Elf has come to our house and sometimes he even flies around, which delights Moana. So we are like totally in the Christmas spirit here!

So even amidst the disorganization, I am loving our new house! It's up on the top of a hill on a quiet dead end street with ~10 other houses. I wake up every morning and look out the window and see this.
And then mid-day I look out the window and see this (Kaneohe Bay off in the distance). I swear I feel like the Queen of Kaneohe up here! Ha!

The weather this December has been better than any past December I can remember… Usually around this time I'm complaining about being cold and wet, but it has been nearly perfect every day. Too bad I'm not riding my bike this month!! Guaranteed the wind and rain will come in January when I will likely start pedaling again. ;) Anyway.

Couple other awesome things I am loving about our new house:

#1 Moana has made some friends across the street. 3 boys live there, ages 3-9, and every day she wants to go play with her friends. They are really nice boys and so far they've been awesome with Moana. Seeing them outside barefoot riding bikes up the street and playing croquet in the backyard and shooting water guns at each other makes me feel all warm and content. It's how it should be when you're a kid growing up, and she's been missing that until now. It's so good. Except for the kissing part. Yes. On day 2 of playing with her new friends I had to have a talk with my five year old about not kissing boys. Help me.

#2 There is FRUIT growing in our backyard! Well, just avocados and figs at the moment… but that avo tree is loaded. This is the view from our bedroom window (through the screen).
I've learned that it takes ~7 days for the avos to soften up after I pick them… and they easily last 4-5 days after they're soft enough to eat… so I've been picking like 5 at a time. And eating them with a spoon.
So far I don't really know what to do with the figs, but I'll figure it out! And one of the next projects will be planting these plants that my friend Mark sprouted for us! (Fwiw, sprouted plants as housewarming gifts are the bomb!) Soon we will also have beets, kale, papaya, lilikoi… well, IF I can figure out how to grow these things without killing them. I'm not known for my green thumb but I am motivated to try!


Angela and David said...

So jealous of your avacado tree? I think Zach plants at least one a week in our yard with the hopes one will grow into a tree. I keep telling him the MN climate is not so hospitable but he doesn't give up.

And neighborhood friendships are the best! Congrats on the move.

mmmonyka said...

Your new house/view/backyard sounds awesome! Very happy for you.

Fireplace? In Hawaii? Seriously....?:)

Happy Holidays!