I pulled the plug on my bike block this week b/c I caught a virus that Scott brought home last week. It started off fairly minor early in the week and I thought maybe I could press on and ignore my way through it (what am I, like 28??) but by Wednesday it became clear that in this battle I was having with the virus, the virus was going to win. I started my ride that day and for the whole first hour I argued with myself b/c my gut was saying You are being an idiot but I can be fairly stubborn when I set my mind out to accomplish something and I just wasn't willing to pull the plug on my bike week... but then I had this epiphany about how I should be smarter now that I am turning 38... and I read some sort of quote on Twitter about how the only time(s) we go wrong are when we ignore our gut feelings... So I pulled the plug on the bike week... turned around and rode home and then spent the next few days curled up in a ball in my pajamas feeling sorry for myself while letting that damn virus run its course.
In good news I am feeling more like myself today... though not quite all the way there yet. And of course since it's my birthday I wanted to do this big epic workout... I don't know why, exactly, that pull is there... the need to do an epic birthday smashfest... but it is there. Given my physical state I was just not up for anything huge today so I just rode 38 miles then ran 38 minutes. Maybe the most epic thing about that is that I am a 38yo mom and the reality of riding 38 miles and running 38 minutes doesn't even hardly qualify as a real workout in my mind. That struck me as kind of funny today, in a satisfying way. :)

Sounds like a lovely birthday plan. Have fun!
Bummer about the virus. :( But you certainly made the most of it and did the best thing for yourself!! Hope you have a blast camping!!!!
Happy Birthday Beautiful Momma - enjoy your camping trip and feel better:)
Happy Bday. 38 is good:)
Sorry you got sick but sounds like you took the smart approach. Enjoy the rest of the birthday weekend!!
Sounds like a perfect birthday weekend!
My wife just got sick too, lucky she is on vacation. Smart you pulled the plug, because in life no matter what we have to pull back sometimes. If you are sick I would definitely consider that one of the times.
Camping in heaven! What could be better? Hope you feel better! Happy Birthday youngster! I can't even remember that far back! :)
Happy birthday! Glad you listened to your body like a smart 38-year old!!
I've decided that we should probably NEVER attempt anything really epic together. I think that we could both be on our death bed and still try to finish crawling to the "finish" even if we broke both our legs. Yup, stubborn like that too.. Especially once I SAY I'm going to do something.
Don't tell me that I CAN'T! ;)
Happy birthday to you! :)
SO SO hard to pull the plug when you know in your heart you are quite sick and being stupid..
I get that!
*38* is a great age to be.
Happy Birthday! Glad you are feeling a little better!!!
Happy birthday! Hope you guys woke up to a beautiful sunrise!
Happy Birthday, Michelle! I hope your camping adventure was a blast with your adorable family.
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