I took Moana to the library yesterday afternoon... what a great free resource! We've been checking out 6-8 books and rotating them through the nightly line-up for a couple weeks before exchanging them for new ones. In truth, I think I am more bored of Moana's books than she is. She seems to like the ones she's got memorized already. But I need a little variety, and she does too, whether she knows it or not. ;)
Anyway, our town library has a bunch of big stuffed animals up on high shelves and Moana goes crazy for them! It's all quiet in the library with people sitting and reading/studying and then there's my daughter yelping out, "BEAR! BEAR! BEAR! BEAR! BEAR! BEAR! BEAR! BEAR!" while she points all the way across the room at the specific bear she wants me to pull down for the hug. There are also little tables and chairs that are sized for toddlers and of course she loves that. We don't have room in our condo for an extra table/chairs for her so she gets a kick out of toddler sized furniture when she sees it.
Outside the library there's a big grassy park, and given by the way she had me chasing her all over the library, I figured she needed a little free play time to run and run and run. This park was perfect for that! Something I found interesting was that as soon as we got to the grass she sat down and insisted on taking her shoes off. Yes, my daughter has hopped on the Barefoot Running bandwagon already. And she runs right on the balls of her feet. Good girl. Natural instinct I guess, which is what those barefoot advocates talk about. So I kicked off my shoes too and did running drills barefoot in the grass while chasing her around. She thinks it's funny to watch me skip and bound. Then I demonstrated 'forward' and 'backward' running... you know how they do that on Sesame street... over and over and over... "Forward! Backward! Forward! Backward!" Yeah. We did that for a while. It was fun! This quality time we get to spend together, giggling and laughing while running around barefoot in the park, is priceless.
Speaking of priceless, look who graduated today to TWO ponytails? Oh my she's looking like a little girl now instead of a baby.

Oh wow - that is just too adorable, seriously :) I don't know if you're realizing it - but you make having Moana seem pretty incredible... :) Way to go Michelle!
SO cute! Love the jumping! :) Moana and Jackson would get along just fine at the library--even have their matching shirt stains, LOL! I swear my kid wears more food than he actually eats.
Moana is sooooo darn adorable!
Peanut was very entertained by the video! Maybe he'll graduate from stomping his feet to jumping himself soon. We love the library too! It was great in the winter because they have lots of toys too. Oh, and fish tanks. Those are the best for indoor entertainment!
It's amazing how hair ages a kid! I LOOOOOOVE the pigtails! Can't wait for some of those around here :)
Love the pigtails! She is growing up. And she has got jumping down. Zach loves jump, although now he prefers 1) to jump off things (that are generally too high and give me a heart attack) or 2) jumping and then landing directly on his butt like kids do on trampolines. Hopefully he stops doing that before he loses the diaper because it's gonna hurt.
We need to go check out the library. I'm getting sick of Zach's books.
Cute! Jumping is a huge milestone. I love the local library. Although we have tons of books, I too get sick of reading the same ones. So every three weeks we go and get new books. Gotta love it!
She is too cute! And the stains, at least with active kids, keep coming. We don't even consider white shirts as a purchasable item in our house - my twin almost 4 year olds would have it stained up within an hour or two!
V cute!
I love the library. I don't buy any books, it's always the library, we go there at least once a week! I also get books on tape that come with the book, so he listens while he follows on the books.
that's good shtuff. U jsut took me back to my baby 'fro days when my Mama would read stories to my brother and I before bed.
I heart the library - and I swear, I can remember going early at Moana's age, so keep it up!
Her new hair do is beautiful!
I started following your blog just after Moana was born. My trainer's baby turns 2 this month. How are these tiny people getting older???? Love the video!
By the way, yesterday Ben made me show him this video multiple times. When it ended, he just pointed to the computer and said, "Baby! Baby, peeez!" Tell Moana not to get offended; he calls himself "Baby" when he sees himself in the mirror also.
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