Monday, October 6, 2008

Flip, Baby, Flip!

Tomorrow is the big day. Flipping day! I've always loved flipping. I hope baby does too...

I'll be going in to Kapiolani Women and Children's Hospital to have them manhandle my little bean, forcing him/her into a head-down position. Yesterday I went in so they could do a full ultrasound and check out the overall health of the baby as well as the amount of amniotic fluid. Apparently there has to be enough amniotic fluid to make it easy enough for baby to move around before they'll attempt to turn it. And apparently, I have plenty. :)

All the other ultrasound measurements they took were good as well. The tech said that baby weighs 5 lbs, 9 oz, has 10 fingers and 10 toes, and has hair! I kept hearing the nurses say things like 'cute baby' and 'perfect nose' and 'beautiful cervix' (mine, not baby's!)... With all those compliments I'm hoping baby's head doesn't swell up so much that it won't fit through my beautiful cervix.

There is an off-chance that I'll end up in an emergency c-section situation, although it's not likely. But they'll be monitoring the baby the whole time and if any complications arise it is possible that they'll whisk me away and cut the baby out. So it'll be another one of those "I wonder if I'm going to have my baby today" days. I'm going to try not to dwell on that, although I will be bringing my newly packed labor and delivery suitcase just in case. And the car seat is installed. And some friends have agreed to take care of the dog for us when the time comes...


Clare said...

good luck...i hope you post about how exactly this is sounds so weird! i just don't get how this can be done from the outside!!

N.D. said...

THat is SOOOO cool. I didn't know they did that. I hope everything goes smoothly!!!

Kate Parker said...

Good luck! Fingers crossed for successful flipping.