Monday, October 20, 2008

5 Minute Contractions

I felt like I had a perma-contraction all day today. But I was pretty active so never had a chance to really pay attention.

Tonight after dinner I sat down on the couch and just for kicks, started timing. 5 minutes apart. Like clockwork. For the whole hour that I counted.

I told Scott, who gets his hopes up every time I tell him that contractions are coming regularly.

He said, "Didn't the doctor tell you to call when they are 5 minutes apart?"

To which I replied, "Yes. But she also said that my demeanor would change and that I wouldn't be able to laugh."

Since we were watching The Daily Show and I was laughing hysterically, we guessed that we're not going to have our baby tonight. In fact, we may not have baby until after the election is over because I cannot imagine not laughing with Jon Stewart...


Angela and David said...

Good luck. It sounds like everything is progressing very normally and healthy for you! Sounds like you'll be meeting your little one very soon.

Allison Chapple said...

I've been getting Jason's hopes up similarly. I still have this feeling you're going to beat me to the finish line :).