Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Another Growth Spurt

How often do babies go through growth spurts?

I swear Moana goes through one every week. Or maybe she just has a tapeworm? The last couple of weeks, I've spent 2-3 days in a row doing nothing but feeding her. Well, then I have to console her because she seems so uncomfortable- like her little GI system isn't quite capable of handing the amount of milk she's insisting on getting... so there's lots of farting and screaming and general fussiness. And diaper changes. Can't forget all the pooping. She really doesn't sleep much at all during these days. Maybe 30 minutes here and there, and up every few hours again at night.

Then after a few days of that she goes into hibernation mode, where she hardly eats at all and sleeps non-stop. I'm hoping we go back into this mode tomorrow because Mama needs some sleep.


RunningMama said...

Nathan is going thru the same thing!!! My lactation consultant said though that it might be acid reflux and he might be sucking more for comfort. I feed nonsto b/w 10-12 am and 6-9 pm. Was thinking about going to the pediatrician to get him checked out. BTW--that's great milege you are doing with biking and swimmig. You are a goddess!!

N.D. said...

That sounds like how people overeat and feel horrible after!! I don't know how to tackle that one. Good luck!! I feel like an idiot, but I cannot go to childbirth class. I cancelled it, and I started watching a video online about natural birth and almost started to cry. If you have any recs for videos (maybe I shouldn't even watch one), Let me know!!!

Alicia Parr said...

It would seem that there are many, many growth spurts!

Angela and David said...

We went through (and are still going through) the same thing, although Zach never seems to enter hibernation and non-stop sleep mode.

Clare said...

la la la, i can't hear you! we're still in sleepy newborn stage and i REALLY want to stay there!!