Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Resting and Testing

You know how they say, "If you want something done, give it to a busy person?" Yeah. Well, that totally applies in my case. Seems I need 100,000 things to do in a day, and if I have them, I make a list and check check check all day long until I get it all done. Mama might be tired, but I'm efficient and I get 'er done.

Then comes a rest week when I have like 10 extra hours on my hands... but it seems like WAY more than that and I suppose it is when you factor in time spent getting ready to train and time spent recovering from training... blah blah blah... my point is, I can be the Queen At Wasting Time sometimes. Interestingly, I don't think I even posted anything on FB today? Rest assured though, if you did, I read it.

I guess I did get a decent amount of work done today. But I don't know. It's like I'm not complete if I only did one short easy workout. I'm like a drug addict in rehab on rest weeks. Restless and just not satisfied.

In good news, I'm through the first two days of it already and I still have all my hair. And tomorrow I have a swim test that should seriously kick my ass so it's all good. Then I have a HR run test on Friday so while that will not be hard, I'm expecting to see some nice improvements. That is, if I can avoid stuffing my face with food this week. What is it about rest weeks that makes us want to EAT?

In other news, I solidified some awesome plans for next weekend that I'll tell you about later. Mama is excited about it though! Verymuchso. AND, I picked up another athlete to train for IMCdA and I'm quite excited about working with her. Verymuchso. Seems I have a very good crop of athletes to work with this year.  Athletes who are hell bent on following instructions. Athletes who are extraordinarily dedicated...   Like I'll walk 2.5 miles through snow and ice in the dark to make sure I get my swim in coach dedicated. Shoot. I'm not even sure *I* would go that far? Maybe I would if I was in the middle of the desperation induced by a rest week though.


Kiet said...

I'm doing IM CdA, I'll make sure to keep tabs on your athletes at the race. Right now, I need some of your energy, please ship some of it to the mainland Mama Simmons.

Angela and David said...

I am the same way. When I'm busy I get everything done. Give me some down time and I can't get the simplest tasks done. Sometimes I think I make myself feel busier than I am just so I'll get more done.

And I'm half tempted to put me and Zach on a plane to come visit you guys. I can't stay sane in this weather much longer.

Molly said...

Everyone else seems to be in a rest week this week and I have 1 more week to go till mine. I'm not jealous though, I think I go crazy during the rest, drug addict in rehab indeed!

Aimee said...

I feel the same way! When I am super busy it always seems like I get tons of things accomplished. But, when I actually have extra time, I'm almost lazy and end up procrastinating! Why is that?
Oh, and I totally hear you about having the urge to EAT during rest weeks!

Teresa said...

Love the extra time....but just more "extra" to get done. Love your efficiency!!!

Lizzie said...

I walked 1/5 mile in 16F, dark, and ice to the pool this morning - does that count? :)

Allison Chapple said...

Michelle, I am already stoked about signing back up with you after this baby pops out so you can whip me back into shape! I've got plans, baby, and you're the one who can help me!!

Regina said...

I thought it was "if you want something done, you've got to do it yourself.". Seems that is exactly what you do (I do too) ;)

I'm anxious from the 'rest' from runnung that my ITB has forced upon me, sucks!

Betsy said...

Showering! Training involves a lot of showering!

If you could either do some of my training or some of the 9million other things I'm trying to get done this week with your extra time that would be awesome :)

mmmonyka said...

I think that everybody is the same way, nothing gets done because you think you have enough time and thus don't need any time management skills.
But I am still more "if you want something done, do it yourself" person.

By the way, it is 5 miles through dark and snow because I also need to get home after the swim:) But who's counting?

Charisa said...

Enjoy the rest :)

Kim said...

Well, I'm glad you are "Sort" of enjoying your rest! I had to laugh when you said "if you posted something on FB today, rest assured, I read it" SO FUNNY!! I'm excited for your excitement! You do it all lady!!