Saturday, June 21, 2008

Like Cats and Dogs...

We've all heard that the first year of married life is full of adjustments... I'd have to say that the biggest adjustment so far in this house has been the cat and dog learning to live together. In the single days, Ally and I lived together alone... a simple life involving just a woman and a cat. Ally clearly loved that life as she was queen of the castle (in reality, just a condo). She sauntered around without a concern, chasing geckos and basking in the sun.

Now, she has a real concern. Hoku, Scott's dog, has quite an obsessive personality and feels a primal obligation to monitor the whereabouts of the cat at all times. Ally rarely has a moment to relax as she sneaks around the house looking for the next safe place to take another nap. She has figured out a fun game to play called 'Hide from the dog while she's out for her morning walk'. Every morning when Hoku and I go outside to walk, Ally changes locations in the house. As Hoku enters the house, she tiptoes as slowly as she can so her nails don't clink too much on the wood floors (this is hilarious to watch) as she searches Ally's three most common hiding places. One of these days Ally will figure out that all she has to do is NOT be in one of those places and the dog is thrown into a crazed search obsession that makes her dizzy as she runs frantically in circles until she eventually will give up in favor of a nap.
What Hoku doesn't know is that in a few weeks we're going to be taking in another cat, Monti, for six months! My friend, Ellen, is being deployed to Kuwait (NP in the Navy) and I have agreed to keep Monti until she gets back in Jaunary. It'll throw Hoku over the edge for sure when she has two cats to monitor... and that simple life involving just a woman and her cat? Forget it! Soon that woman will have two cats, a dog, a husband, and an infant... Nothing simple about that! But all good stuff... :)

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